
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Bid Day

One of the reasons I haven't been posting much is because I've been going through sorority recruitment (as a junior...yep, go ahead, ask me why I joined so late, everybody has!)

I didn't want to post about it here because I didn't know if it would work out or not. We had over 300 girls rush this year at my school, which is definitely a record. I didn't know if I would even get a bid. But here I am, alive at the end of it all, and I am proud to tell you...

(Can you spot me?)

...that I received a bid for ALPHA CHI OMEGA!

You can't imagine how excited I am. Not only is one of my roommates already a member, but my other roommate received a bid for it as well. I'll do the math for you...3/4 of us living together are now in AXO!

My only regret is that I didn't join a sorority sooner. Already I feel comfortable with all the girls in my chapter, like I've known them for years. I had a preconception of what sorority women were like when I entered college, but after meeting so many Greek girls in Rome this summer I knew that I needed to become one myself.

I have a couple of interesting posts ready to go live this week, including a review of the amazing Etsy shop The Angelorian Tradition. As a teaser, here's the Lucky Penny I received last week from the shop owner, Crystal, that I kept with me during all recruitment activities. I feel like this special penny helped me throughout this whole (stressful!) process. Go check out Jakira's shop so you can get your own!

(It says Lucky Becky on it, in case you can't see)

Have a great week everybody!


  1. Thats AWESOME! Congratulations on becoming part of a sisterhood. You are going to love being in a sorority. It was one of the best decisions I made as a young adult and here I am, 12 years later, still so proud to be a Tri-Sigma. Good for you!

  2. Congrats! What fun!

    Hope you'll be linking up at Medical Monday BlogHop today! I'd love to see you on the grid!

  3. Congratulations! Welcome to being a part of a great organization. Panhellenic Love from a DZ. :)

  4. Omg congratulations! I'm so excited for you! I'd love to have joined a sorority (silly uk) so I can't wait to read about all your sorority adventures!

  5. CONGRATS! I went through recruitment as a Sophomore, that is neat you went through as a Junior, you are going to LOVE greek life.

  6. Congrats! I joined ZTA as a sophomore (transferred schools) but I wouldn't have changed it for the world. Best decision ever. Now, my first year out of school as an alumni I'm still as involved as I was, if not more, and it's amazing to help the collegiate chapters and seeing ladies grow and learn!

    Have a blast these next two years, you won't regret it!

    carelessly graceful

  7. Congratulations on your sorority bid. I am going to have to get myself one of those lucky pennies:-) Thanks for stopping by the Medical Monday's blog hop!

  8. congrats girl! I joined ZTA my first year of college and it's been a great experience! I have many close friend in AXO and they love it!

  9. I've been out of school for the years now... All of my best friends are Kaopas! We did not go to school together, and we didn't know we were Kappas until after the fact. So funny! Found you on the blog hop


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